Skills check with weapon proficiency bonus
Add runes proficiency bonus from equipped weapons which can be used in a skill check (disarm, shove, trip, ranged-trip, grapple) using system action macros.
Add ranged trip -2 circumstances penalty for weapons with the ranged-trip trait.
Supports for ABP (automatic bonus progression). Handle multiple weapon equiped - checks only on equiped weapons. Does add the modifier whatever the proficiency is (even if +0), so it shows in the chatlog that you tried to disarm with that weapon. Does NOT add the text stating that you can drop the weapon to ignore a critical failure (should I add it ?)
I don't know if this change fits the roadmap, I kinda did this to get a grasp on the codebase, so feel free to dismiss my MR if it is not needed. Don't hesitate to ping me on discord Glunt#6007 if you want to discuss other than by comments .