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  • v3.5.4
    tweak: duplicated measurements with various ab and mn configurations now filtered by default. 
    tweak: reciprocal error calculation no longer a magnitude calculation. abmn configurations of normal and reciprocal measurements are now cross checked in order to determine the expected polarity.
  • v3.5.3
    07fb5187 · update to version 3.5.3 ·
    Tweak: Remote electrodes usable with a quad mesh.
    Tweak: Apparent resistivity calculations tweaked.
    Tweak: 2D meshing defaults to 4 elements between electrodes
    Tweak: Non UTF-8 import possible for certain formats.
    Tweak: Add ability to convert UTM to local grid
    Bug fix: Reciprocal measurements now filtered in timelapse mode.
    Bug fix: No attempt made to fix the sign of apparent resistivities.
    Bug fix: The 3D threshold filter. 
    Bug fix: Remote electrodes work with pseudo 3D and 2D inversions.
    Bug fix: Better fine mesh depth calculated during forward modelling.
    Bug fix: 3D meshing where both surface and buried electrodes are present.
  • v3.5.1
    Tweak: Extra control points are added around electrodes in the case of meshing borehole surveys (2D and 3D)
    Bug fix: Pre-processing range filtering indexing error 
    Bug fix: ResIPy UI crashes when doing a 2D forward model error. 
    Bug fix: Lippmann parser tweaked to handle missing data 
    Bug fix: RESIMGR parser tweaked to handle the presence of electrode geometry
  • v3.5.0
    - Introduction of project summary page.
    - Major speed improvements to the loading data.
    - Ability to make an error model for non-conventional arrays.
    - Ability to create 3D mesh from a single 2D line.
    - More efficient 3D meshing (hemispherical half space).
    - Faster reciprocal error calculation.
    - Ability to calculate app. resistivity for XBH/buried electrodes.
    - Native support for Apple Silicon devices.
    - Support for python v3.7 to v3.12.
    - Bug fix: 3D difference inversion (time-lapse).
    - Bug fix: ResIPy crash when doing an error model in 3D surveys (UI).
    - Bug fix: vmin/vmax in log scale in results (UI).
    - Bug fix: pseudo section electrodes being in the air (UI).
  • v3.4.5
    921f60ce · bump to v3.4.5 ·
    Fixes some bugs from last release.
  • v3.4.4
    Bug fixes: 
    - Imported mesh regions/zones not being parsed. 
    - Saving data in csv format 
    - "Do not crop" mesh being cropped in 3D
    - Geometric factor recomputed after forward modelling
    - Can still add data to a survey even if reciprocals are present. 
    - Pseudo sections support buried electrodes 
    - Improvement to difference regularized inversions. 
    - Improvement to meshing in 3D for borehole surveys.
    - 3D mesh refinement stability improved.
    - Added volume calculation in the UI.
  • v3.4.2
    02ab60cc · GHANGELOG update ·
    - Bug fix: fixing mesh zones
    - Bug fix: matchSurveys() removing duplicates
    - Bug fix: cylinder mesh stability
    - Bug fix: buried electrodes not read (GUI only)
    - Bug fix: pre-processing reset filter
    - Bug fix: improving unresponsiveness
  • v3.4.1
    Bug fix:  creating 3D survey from 2D lines (UI)
  • v3.4.0
    fe198c80 · update version to 3.4.0 ·
    Improved meshing for 3D surface arrays. Elements now grow away from electrodes inside of the fine mesh region, not just in the background region.
    3D tetrahedral cylinder meshes now fully supported.
    ResIPy now parses contact resistance information providing the file format allows it, which can be viewed in pseudo section.
    Fixes to certain parsers.
    Add pv.spline() to slice 3D mesh along a line.
    Tape-measured X to true X conversion.
    Other various bug fixes.
  • v3.3.3 Release: v3.3.3
  • v3.3.2 Release: v3.3.2
    version 3.3.2
  • v3.3.1
    8c980cdb · update to v3.3.1 ·
    Release: v3.3.1
    fix pvthreshold and pvcontour
  • v3.3.0 Release: v3.3.0
    merge tankColumn mesh branch
  • v3.2.3
    b78e6625 · bump v3.2.3 ·
    Version 3.2.3
  • v3.2.2 Release: v3.2.2
    Version 3.2.2
  • v3.2.1
    42c5cc55 · update to v3.2.1 ·
    Release: v3.2.1
    Version 3.2.1
  • v3.2.0
    5b505659 · v3.2.0 ·
    Release: v3.2.0
    Version 3.2.0
  • v3.1.1
    773b0b89 · version bump to 3.1.1 ·
    Release: v3.1.1
    Version 3.1.1
  • v3.0.3 protected Release: v3.0.3
    Version 3.0.3
  • v3.0.2 Release: v3.0.2
    Version 3.0.2