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Support for multiple REF/REF2/...

Christian Gutschow requested to merge plotting_tweaks into release-4-0-x

Extends the previous MR to allow more than one REF on the command line. Specifically ^REF(\d+)?:.* are now allowed. This allows the user to superimpose multiple ref-data curves, each with a separate subset of the error sources considered, e.g.

rivet-mkhtml mc.yoda.gz:"Title=Model 1:BandComponentEnv=dn,up" \
REF:"ErrorBand=0:ErrorCapSize=2:RatioPlotErrorBand=1 2:ErrorBandColor=green yellow" \

would create a Brazil-style plot with the 2- and 1-sigma bands coloured in yellow/green and an additional ref-data version superimposed where only the statistical/uncorrelated error components are plotted in dark green. Looks something like this:


The Title= part (using the empty string) prevents the second version from appearing in the legend.

Also used a few of sed commands to remove hard-coded tags from the plot files (e.g. re legend position).

Reinstates the --reflabel flag removed in the previous MR since that ensures Rivet's preferred label for the reference-data is being used.

Edited by Christian Gutschow

Merge request reports