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Fix/tweak definition of CRZ regions in ATLAS_2022_I2183281 (SUSY multi-b search)

tprocter46 requested to merge i2183281-fixCRZ into release-4-0-x

There was a slight logic flaw in my original defintion of the CRZ control regions. This got past validation because there are no signal events expected in any of these four regions (unlike all the other CR's, which have at least a slight population), so even though it was mathematically impossible for an event to enter the CRZ regions, it didn't affect validation.

These CRs constrain a pretty niche background (basically Z+heavy flavour, where the enough of the heavy flavour get miss-tagged as b-jets to pass the 3 b-jet cut, though Z+light with miss-tagging also may contribute), which was subleading for the analysis, and all of the signal models contribute zero events before and after. So I don't think there was any "harm" done by the mis-definition.

The change is much more minor than the diff suggests - 80% of the change is caused by having to move a very long block of code one tab to the right, which git interprets as ~ 100 lines of additions/deletions; and probably about half the rest is more cleaning than anything else.


Merge request reports