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Bugfixes to SmearedParticles projection

tprocter46 requested to merge fix_smeared_particles into release-3-1-x

The SmearedParticles projection currently ignores any of the cuts supplied to the constructor when it comes to actually project. So e.g.

SmearedParticles smearedelectrons(dressed_leps, PARTICLE_EFF_PERFECT, PARTICLE_SMEAR_PERFECT, 
                                   Cuts::abspid==PID::ELECTRON && Cuts::abseta < 2.4);

Actually returns all electrons AND muons, independent of any abseta cut.

SmearedParticles also ignores the cuts for projection comparison.

Possibly it was assumed when writing that this behaviour should somehow inherit from ParticleFinder, but looking at FinalState, which also inherits from ParticleFinder, it implements the cutting itself. I've tried to follow the spirit of the implementation there.

This MR fixes those bugs. It should go into 3.1.9, but it should also be merged into release-3-2-x.

Merge request reports