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LHCB_2016_I1454404 (W/Z + jets at 8 TeV)

Alex T. Grecu requested to merge (removed):lhcb-WZ-jet-8TeV into release-3-1-x

Here is yet another analysis module for another LHCb Standar Model measurement.

The Powheg steering files and the YODA output is in this archive: LHCB_2016_I1454404_extras.tgz

We also provide a Python patch file for HEPData to correct the data points provided by HEPData and avoid any special treatment in the finalize code. Please, be aware that the patch applies to version 2 of the HEPData record in which I tried to solve some of the issues slightly altering the metadata. Also the YODA files were generated from quite a small statistics (10000 events) so the W to Z ratios in the fiducial phase-space are particularly affected by low statistics.

Please, let me know if you require any further details/tests to accept this merge request.

Edited by Christian Gutschow

Merge request reports