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Ab tweaks

Apple Bottom requested to merge AB_Tweaks into master

I thought that this might be a good idea (see below for what "this" is in the first place), and a good way of getting my feet wet(ter) with the Catagolue codebase --- entirely untested, however, except for the automatic pipeline test (which eventually succeeded, after catching various embarassing typos).

For rules on square grids, this means 1x256, 2x128, 4x64, 8x32, C1, C2_1, C2_2, C2_4, C4_1, C4_4, D2_x, D2_+1, D2_+2, D4_+1, D4_+2, D4_+4, D4_x1, D4_x4, D8_1, and D8_4.

For rules on hexagonal grids, this (currently) means 1x256, 2x128, 4x64, 8x32, C1, C2_1, C2_4, C3_1, C3_3, C6, D2_x, D2_xo, D4_x1, D4_x4, D6_1, D6_1o, D6_3, and D12.

Calls to ObjectServlet.isUnofficial() that do not pass a rule (explicitely or implicitely) will test for either.

Merge request reports