YouCompleteMe needs `` for semantic support, a default is installed in the home directory.
This particular configuration is set with C++ flags.
Note: In order to compile this on Arch you must first set the symbolic link `/bin/python` to `/bin/python2.7` or YCM will not compile correctly (no support for python3)
To do this you can run `sudo ln -sf /bin/python2.7 /bin/python`. Just make sure to set it back or any package dependent on `/bin/python` being python3.3 will fail.
## How to install
Just run ``. (`bash` or `./`)
Run `install --<distro>`, where distro can be `arch, fed, or deb`.
### What it does
Clones Pathogen, Nerdtree, Solarized color scheme, oh-my-zsh, Syntastic, and YouCompleteMe. It also pulls LLVM 3.3
in order to build YouCompleteMe with C family semantic support.