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games: Add dwarf-fortress

Artyom Bologov requested to merge aartaka/games:dwarf-fortress into master

This adds Dwarf Fortress, a singleplayer roguelike/strategy game continuously developed starting from 2002.

Things to Discuss:

It's relatively complete (game runs at least xD), but some things can be considered before merging:

  • Lots of lines of bash, because Dwarf_Fortress executable has hardcoded paths and it should be ran from a writeable top-level directory of the decompressed DF archive (terrible, but that's closed source, so we can't do anything with it). Reducing the amount of lines in this shell script is a priority, because shell code is the most buggy thing in this declaration, I guess.
  • Dwarf Fortress is licensed by the Freeware license with the following text:
Copyright (c) 2002-2020.  All rights are retained by Tarn Adams, save the following:  you may redistribute the unmodified binary and accompanying files, provided you do so free of charge.  You may distribute modified text files from the data and raw folders (see the readme.txt in those folders for more information).  We'd appreciate it if you credit yourself or an alias somewhere for any modifications to prevent confusion with vanilla DF (it helps with bug reports).  If you'd like to distribute a modified version of the game or portion of the archive and are worried about copyright infringement, please contact Tarn Adams at

This software is still in development, and this means that there are going to be problems, including serious problems that, however unlikely, might damage your system or the information stored on it.  Please be aware of this before playing.

How to handle this case? There seem to be no freeware license in neither (guix licenses) nor (nonguix licenses). Should we add it there?

  • Another licensing issue: Should there be a permission from the game developer to distribute it in Guix? Nix package has and needs such a permission, but the reason may be that it's a custom and opinionated version of DF, not the default freeware one.
  • The ".local/share/dwarf-fortress" location is hardcoded on the stage of wrapper creation. Use "$XDG_DATA_HOME"/dwarf-fortress instead?
  • OpenAL seems to be enough for DF sounds on my system. Will it be enough for other systems? Should there be a list of libs (openal, alsa-lib, pulseaudio) as a precaution?

Future Directions

Merge request reports