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Draft: ArtiService

Michael Pöhn requested to merge uniqx/arti-mobile-ex:artiservice into main

This change adds:

  • a bound Service for easier integration of Arti into most Android apps called ArtiService' (in a new local module called artiservice`)
  • a class for easier configuration of Arti based Socks proxies (+DNS resolvers) called ArtiProxy (in the arti module)
  • an app that provides Arti based Socks proxiy+dns resolver to Android users (new local module artiproxy)

This change also updates all modules to targetSdk/build-tools 34

Had to upgrade to ndk-r23c because builds with ndk-r22 doesn't seem to work anymore, here's the error message I encountered:

RUSTFLAGS='-C link-arg=-s' cargo ndk -t armeabi-v7a -t arm64-v8a -t x86 -t x86_64 -o ../android/arti/src/main/jniLibs build --release
    Building armeabi-v7a (armv7-linux-androideabi)
error: NDK versions less than r23 are not supported. Install an up-to-date version of the NDK.

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