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  • Tom van der Woerdt's avatar
    go_repository: add 'clean' build_file_generation (#1802) · 7d10bf7b
    Tom van der Woerdt authored
    * go_repository: add 'clean' build_file_generation
    Before bzlmod, repositories were global, and BUILD files inside upstream
    repositories could load from the repositories defined at the root-level
    WORKSPACE file.
    With the introduction of visibility rules, these result in errors that
    cannot trivially be worked around. One pattern that has emerged is
    ignoring existing build files by specifying `gazelle:build_file_name
    BUILD.bazel`, however this does not work for anything already using
    BUILD.bazel filenames.
    This does affect real-world users: an example is which has a BUILD.bazel file to `genrule`
    its AST. The module is pure-go, but the build step contains cpp code,
    and when imported under bzlmod-gazelle will not work because the cpp
    code is invoked. As a workaround, there is now a 'jsonnet' BCR module.
    This patch introduces a `build_file_generation = clean` option, which
    removes existing build files before generating new ones. It allows
    loading the jsonnet code once again, and also makes it possible to
    load some of the complex protobuf repositories.
    * go_repository: always call fetch_repo, even for urls
    After my changes to remove build files as part of fetch_repo, I realized
    that when urls=[] is specified the code path doesn't use fetch_repo at
    all. In this case, fetch_repo_args would remain None, and raise an
    error. Not ideal!
    This left me with two general options: either I move the code into a
    separate command invocation, or I have all code go through fetch_repo.
    The latter seems to be the pragmatic solution: gazelle by itself doesn't
    generate code with urls=[] (in either bzlmod or vanilla update-repos),
    so it's the option with lower performance impact (also considering we're
    stacking it on top of a network download).