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Labels can be applied to issues and merge requests. Group labels are available for any project within the group.


  • API
    Modification of existing public/user APIs or introduction of new such APIs. Service-to-service APIs may be included if such a change may have external impact.
  • Bug
    Bug or incident (functional)
  • Related to Continuous Integration or Delivery for EMCO.
  • Anything that can be classified or perceived as a documentation change.
  • Most enhancements to the codebase: a new minor feature or feature change, improvement, logic changes etc. Issues labeled with API or Feature should also be labeled with Enhancement to allow for filtering tasks that can impact the roadmap.
  • Major features only. Significant/large changes.
  • Ops
    Operational changes to EMCO that can improve its use in an open-ended set of scenarios. For example, improving/easing deployability, reducing the probability of issues and unexpected events, simplifying build processes, modifying dependencies, improving compatibility with runtime deployments, etc. Not to be confused with the Scripting or CI/CD labels, which are dedicated to changes in the form of scripting and changes to improve CI/CD.
  • This label is designed to advertise that a merge request or an issue is needing contributor reviews, as soon as possible.
  • RFE
    Request For Enhancement - think bug report but there's no bug. Rather, an improvement that is requested.
  • Changes that introduce or modify scripting code - the context of such change is unspecified and should be specified by another label, if applicable.
  • All kinds of testing: unit, functional, integration, smoke, etc.
  • User interface and user experience, either as part of the ui group or not. Anything that improves actual user experience should be tagged with this. Example of what shouldn't be tagged with this: changes within the ui group albeit without any user-facing impact.
  • To label issues that are visible or can be reproduced with EMCO's upcoming 21.12 release. This label is only here for completeness reasons and no issues should be labeled until after 21.12 gets released late December/early January. The reporter most likely intends to use version::main instead.
  • To label issues that are visible or can be reproduced with the latest commit EMCO's main branch. The reporter should make an effort to specify the explicit commit ID in the issue description.
  • To label issues that are visible or can be reproduced with EMCO's seed code release (i.e. the original commit). This label is only here for completeness reasons and the reporter most likely intends to use version::main instead.