Our-Sci Code of Conduct
We know that everyone has their own opinion, perspective, motivation, and imperfections. We also know that no matter how long and well thought out, no Code of Conduct can resolve conflicts without effort from those involved. Finally, as a small organization, we do not have the time or space to codify every rule for interpersonal relationships. Developing personal relationships and trust is not optional.
It is up to each individual to keep Our-Sci enjoyable, healthy, and effective in good times and in difficult times. As such, we all agree to the following principles:
- Communicate, even when frustrated or upset. A break is ok, a hiatus is not.
- Assume good intent in the other party, and to ask for clarification if that assumption feels tested.
- Be honest, and to take part in honest discussions with grace and patience.
- Give as much or more than is asked for.
- Identify and address conflict anywhere in the organization before it becomes destructive.
- Prioritize the health of our relationships and those of our partners, because if they falter, the rest of our work will fail soon after.
- Respect everyone, regardless of scholarly or professional background, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, economic background, country of origin or employment, religion, and other differences.
- Work to actively reduce inequitable barriers between ourselves and our partners and apply an equitable perspective to relationships you build.
These principles are ideals to strive for, not rules to be enforced. We all agree to work in this spirit and in doing so pursue our shared mission, values, and personal goals.
This code of conduct applies to all Our Sci spaces, both online and in person.