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https setup for toonin

Arsala Grey requested to merge certSetup into master

Created by: alir128

To test this on windows:

open this file: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts and add localhost image

To test on mac/linux:

open the file sudo vim /etc/hosts and add

once updated you can start the backend server.

If curious why these steps are required.... if you dont perform the steps mentioned above even after changing the url in the extension to https://localhost:8443 the self signed certs I have put the CA name as "" and the extension backend will error saying invalid Cert Authority and socket connection wont be established.

Once this is tested we can put this on the server, and also update the VUE client to use the secure sockets and https route. Once this is tested we can use letsencypt cert for the server.

Merge request reports