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API BREAK: …/include as pkg-config include path instead of …/include/graphviz

Matthew Fernandez requested to merge smattr/gitlab-2474 into main

This is an alternative to !3504 (merged), matching what seems to be the maintainer consensus on this one. CC @ferdnyc

The pkg-config files were written as if users would write their source code like #include <types.h> to reference Graphviz’ installed headers. However all sample user code instead uses #include <graphviz/types.h>. The latter is generally what users want as putting headers like types.h in their global include path generally causes other problems in their project.

Despite this discrepancy, things mostly worked out for the typical user because their Graphviz installation was the default system locations. So #include <graphviz/types.h> would find types.h because the parent directory of graphviz was already in their include path. Problems would occur for users who both (1) had Graphviz installed in a custom location and (2) were using pkg-config to set up their build.

Gitlab: fixes #2474 (closed)
Reported-by: owlright
Suggested-by: owlright

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