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[macOS] update macOS distribution packaging to use pkgbuild

This patch updates the distribution and packaging for macOS to use pkgbuild, replacing the obsolete package manager.

This patch includes

  1. a new macosx/build/Makefile to run build graphviz in the distribution folder that make dist generates.
  2. a new macosx/build/Distribution.xml file for productbuild to assemble the distribution into a package.
  3. updates to .gitignore to enable tracking of the new Makefile (Makefiles are by default not tracked).
  4. updates to the project file for building with Xcode.

The patch also deletes the obsolete package manager script and Makefiles of old macOS versions.

This Merge Request replaces that originally authored by user and alter ego Ilex Burfordii (Eleagnus), while I worked with gitlab to reenable my zosmac account.

Merge request reports