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Add windows build bash scripts and CI jobs

This is the second of two MR's with the overall goal to make it much easier for users to build Graphviz for Windows and for writing improved documentation on how to do it. This MR provides three Bash scripts and adds new Windows pipeline jobs that use them. The other MR provides PowerShell scripts with the same functionality.

  • - Tries to find specific build utilities in the user's path and if it doesn't find one falls back to set up the path to the utility in the Graphviz build utilities submodule at windows\dependencies\graphviz-build-utilities. Produces output messages to tell what it is doing and where the utilities have been found.
  • --build-system cmake|msbuild --configuration Release|Debug --platform Win32|x64 - Builds Graphviz provided that the build utilities have already been set up.
  • - First runs and then with the arguments supplied.

The new jobs do not produce anything other than the PowerScript-based builds already do and hence the artifacts are not archived. The value they have is that they test that it it possible to build under bash and that the supplied bash scripts work.

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