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WIP: disambiguate include paths (1/5)

This is part 1 of 5 of a patch series towards #1242 (closed) and #1785 (closed). None of the changes in this or the follow up parts are complicated, but there are a lot of them so I chose to split them up. They are:

  1. disambiguate lib/*/*.c #includes (this MR)
  2. disambiguate cmd/* #includes (1785-2)
  3. disambiguate plugin/* #includes (1785-3)
  4. disambiguate tclpkg/* #includes (1785-4)
  5. disambiguate lib/*/*.h #includes and remove extraneous include paths (1785-5)

@ldionne.2, can you confirm the final end state, 1785-5 resolves your libc++ compilation problem?

Edited by Matthew Fernandez

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