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Several usability improvements for dotty

Adnan F. Zafar requested to merge adnanzafar/graphviz:master into master
  1. Center the node's bounding box on the node's position (in the global coordinate system) based on its size while being moved. This solves the issue of being unable to click-and-drag a node after it was initially dragged, since the bounding box erroneously remained at the initial position. Solves issue #507 (closed) .

  2. Keep the relative position offset between the center of the node and the position of the cursor when clicking-and-dragging. This avoids snapping the center of the node to the current cursor position, but rather allows it to move with the cursor.

  3. Redraw the graph on 'leftup' to correct nodes that may have become visually corrupted by edges obscuring their outlines.

Edited by Adnan F. Zafar

Merge request reports