SVG layout doesn't always respect requested size
Steps to reproduce
Attached to this report are two matched sets of files. One set used versions 2.38, the other used version 2.44. For each version, the files consist of 1) the input dot file, 2) the output SVG file, 3) a screenshot of SVG file displayed in my Polymeter software (via the IWebBrowser interface which wraps Internet Explorer) and 4) a screenshot of the same SVG file displayed in Firefox. The 2.38 graph fits neatly within the specified window size, but the 2.44 graph is slightly too wide and is consequently partially clipped. This misbehavior is observed in both IWebBrowser and Firefox.
Expected Behaviour
I expect the graph to respect the specified size. This was so in version 2.38, and is not so in 2.44. Comparing the two SVG files shows that they are significantly different. Based on this comparison, I surmise that the SVG layout engine has changed and that the change is causing the incorrect sizing.
Actual Behaviour
The input file, correct and incorrect SVG files, and screenshots are attached to this report.
OS Version
Windows 7 64-bit.
Graphviz Version
I'm reporting this issue for version 2.44.1. I don't know exactly which version introduced the issue. All I can say for sure is that version 2.38 does NOT exhibit the issue. I can also confirm that the issue occurs with both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of 2.44.1.
The command line was:
dot -Ksvg -o"xxx" "yyy"
where xxx is the output SVG file path and yyy is the input dot file path. All other options are specified in the dot file.