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  • Matthew Fernandez's avatar
    add a '--filepath=…' option to replace '$GV_FILE_PATH' · 5ef1938d
    Matthew Fernandez authored
    Many of the use cases served by the previously removed `$GV_FILE_PATH` could be
    replicated with `-Gimagepath=…`. Unfortunately there were some that could not.
    In particular, using a relative path reference beginning with a slash (e.g.
    This change implements a replacement that is intended to cover all previous use
    cases. Instead of following the design discussed on the forum,¹ this instead
    essentially reverts most of 1e45fd83. The new
    mechanism thus works more or less identically to the old one with the exceptions
    of (1) being controlled via a command line option instead of an environment
    variable and (2) not being intertwined with the `$SERVER_NAME` environment
    This mechanism is not intended as a security or sandboxing technology. If you
    are accepting untrusted input and processing it with Graphviz, it is assumed you
    are running Graphviz within some other containment technology that restricts its
    Gitlab: closes #2396
    Reported-by: Lannar Dean