Mismatch of filename and link text on source download page
The link text for the source on https://graphviz.gitlab.io/_pages/Download/Download_source.html reads "graphviz-2.40.1.tar.gz" (and "graphviz-2.40.1.tar.gz.md5"), but the linked file has the name "graphviz.tar.gz" (https://gitlab.com/graphviz/graphviz.gitlab.io/tree/master/pub/graphviz/stablen/SOURCES). I stumbled over this while trying to run a docker image which had the source file hardcoded as "graphviz-2.40.1.tar.gz". I also noted, that unpacking "graphviz.tar.gz" creates the folder "graphviz-2.40.1". I find this a bit confusing. In my opinion just changing the link text to "graphviz.tar.gz" would fall short. I think having the version number is a good thing.