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PW dipole correction

Georg Kastlunger requested to merge gkastlun/gpaw:pw_dipole_correction into master

I have added a dipole correction for PW mode, as well as a test script for it and a short tutorial.

  • It can be used by adding the keyword dipole_corr_dir to the mode in the calculator (mode=PW(dipole_corr_dir=2)).

  • It works in all three directions, but only for orthorombic cells.

  • The routine has been included in and is called in the ReciprocalSpaceHamiltonian class if the above mentioned keyword is given to the calculator.

Up to now all the benchmarks, being a comparison with the dipole correction in fd mode and in dacapo for an assymetric slab and a comparison of the vacuum levels between a cell containing a single and two canceling dipoles, worked great.

However, it seems like the electrostatic potential can not be retrieved when I try to restart a .gpw file, since vHt_q is not written and vHt_g is reset, when the hamiltonian class is initialized.

Tell me if you can find any bugs or inconsistencies and I will try to fix them.

Best wishes, Georg

P.S.: This is my first commit, so please tell me if there is anything I should improve next time.

Merge request reports