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Cloud Deploy

Cloud Deploy CI/CD Catalog project

Project ID: 54334690
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  • Quan Zhang's avatar
    Quan Zhang authored
    Update file
    See merge request google-gitlab-components/cloud-deploy!7
    Name Last commit Last update


    Status: Beta

    • google_cloud_support_feature_flag (Beta) flag needs to be enabled to use the Component.

    The create-cloud-deploy-release GitLab Component creates a Cloud Deploy release to manage the deployment of an application to one or more Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) or Cloud Run targets.



    Usage of the create-cloud-deploy-release GitLab component might incur Google Cloud billing charges depending on your usage. For more information on Cloud Deploy pricing, see Cloud Deploy Pricing.


    Add the following to your .gitlab-ci.yml file:

      - component:
          project_id: my-project
          name: release-$CI_PIPELINE_ID
          delivery_pipeline: my-delivery-pipeline
          region: us-central1
          images: img1=path/to/img1,img2=path/to/img2



    Input Description Example Default Value
    name (Required) The name for the release my-release
    project_id (Required) The ID of the Google Cloud project in which to deploy the service my-project
    region (Required) The region of the delivery pipeline us-central1
    delivery_pipeline (Required) The delivery pipeline to use for the release my-pipeline
    source (Required) The location of the files to be included in the release; typically application configuration manifests web/ .
    images (Optional) The details of the application image(s) to be released In the format:, (no space)
    description (Optional) The a description of the release my description
    to_target (Optional) The specific target to deliver into upon release creation test-target
    skaffold_file (Optional) The path of the skaffold file absolute or relative to the source directory skaffold.yaml
    skaffold_version (Optional) The version of the Skaffold binary 2.8
    initial_rollout_annotations (Optional) The annotations to apply to the initial rollout when creating the release In the format: annotation1=val1,annotation2=val2 (no space)
    initial_rollout_labels (Optional) The labels to apply to the initial rollout when creating the release In the format: label1=val1,label2=val2 (no space)
    initial_rollout_phase_id (Optional) The phase to start the initial rollout at when creating the release stable
    stage (Optional) The GitLab CI/CD stage my-stage deploy
    as (Optional) The name of the job to be executed my-job create-cloud-deploy-release


    Cloud Deploy Release Creation

    To use the Cloud Deploy component, grant the following roles to your workload identity pool:

    For example, to grant the roles/clouddeploy.releaser role to all principals in a workload identity pool matching developer_access=true attribute mapping by the gcloud CLI:

    # Replace ${PROJECT_ID}, ${PROJECT_NUMBER}, ${LOCATION}, ${POOL_ID} with your values below
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} --member="${WORKLOAD_IDENTITY}" --role="roles/clouddeploy.releaser"

    Learn more about workload identity principal identifiers and supported OIDC claims available for the GitLab on Google Cloud integration.

    Cloud Deploy Execution Service Account

    By default, Cloud Deploy uses the default Compute Engine service account ([project-number] as the internal execution service account to render manifests and deploy to your targets. That service account has sufficient permissions by default.

    For production use cases, it is recommended that you create one or more dedicated service accounts as detailed in the Cloud Deploy documentation.

    You might find that organizational policy rules prevent certain permissions being assigned to default service accounts. In this case please consult your organization administrators.

    By default the execution service account used by Cloud Deploy requires the following roles:

    For example, to grant the roles/logging.logWriter to a dedicated service account using the gcloud CLI:

    # Replace ${PROJECT_ID} and ${SERVICE_ACCOUNT} with your values below
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} --member=serviceAccount:${SERVICE_ACCOUNT} --role='roles/logging.logWriter'

    The service account used by Cloud Deploy additionally needs permissions that allow deployment of a service to your target runtime (i.e. GKE or Cloud Run) as described in the following sections. This could be:

    • The default compute service account, or
    • A separate custom service account dedicated to deployment

    Cloud Run Authorization

    To deploy to Cloud Run, the service account used by Cloud Deploy needs the following permissions:

    GKE Authorization

    To deploy to GKE, the service account used by Cloud Deploy needs the following permissions:

    In all cases, you should follow the principle of least privilege when assigning IAM roles. When possible, grant roles at the resource level as opposed to the project level.