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Marc René Arns authoredMarc René Arns authored
fs_interfaces.go 3.75 KiB
package fs
import (
As a user and implementer, you should mainly care about and understand the basic interfaces,
that are:
From a users perspective:
- If you know that you are only dealing with local or remote data, you should use either Local or Remote.
- If you want to deal independent of the fs being remote or local, choose FS
- If you only need to read files, choose ReadOnly (which is compatible with io.FS)
- Take only what you need: try to go with ReadOnly unless you need deleting or renaming or write access,
then go with FS. If you really need local or remote properties, take one of them.
- If you just need some additional properties on top of a basic interface, you might want to
define an own interface, based on the basic one that is the most appropriate and the needed extension interfaces (Ext...)
- Only if you want to run tests against all possible interfaces and extensions, you might want to use the TestFS interface.
From a developers perspective:
- The easiest to implement (least requirements) is ReadOnly.
- implementing FS is the common middle ground that is recommended.
- if you have a local fs you should strive to implement Local, for a remote fs Remote
- always try to implement the most for your users (Local or Remote)
- only if you want to implement a general purpose test filesystem that should be able to run against all possible interfaces and extensions, you might want to implement the TestFS interface.
// ReadOnly is a minimal readonly interface for a filesystem.
// Any "io/fs.FS" can be converted to the ReadOnly interface by calling Wrap()
type ReadOnly interface {
// die konvention ist, dass read bei verzeichnissen einfach einen string zurückgibt,
// wo für jeden pfad eine zeile kommt, gefolgt von einem zeilenumbruch.
// FS die das lesen von verzeichnissen nicht unterstützen, dokumentieren dies und geben einfach eine entsprechende fehlermeldung zurück, wenn der pfad
// ein verzeichnis ist
// Reader returns an io.ReadCloser that reads in the whole file or in case of a directory
// the relative paths related to the directory path, separated by a unix linefeed (\n).
// The io.ReadCloser will be closed after reading all.
// An error is only returned, if p does not exist.
Reader(p path.Relative) (io.ReadCloser, error)
// Exists does return, if a file or directory with the given path exists.
Exists(p path.Relative) bool
// ModTime return the time of the last modification of p.
// It returns an error, if p does not exist.
ModTime(p path.Relative) (time.Time, error) // wenn nicht unterstützt: immer fehler zurückgeben
// Abs converts the given relative path to an absolute path, based on the base of the filesystem.
Abs(p path.Relative) path.Absolute
// Size returns the size of the given p in bytes
// If the given p does not exist or the size could not be determined, -1 is returned.
// The size of a folder is always 0. In order to calculate the real size of a folder,
// use DirSize()
Size(p path.Relative) int64 // int64 is large enough for any filesystem
// FS is an interface for a complete filesystem, that covers the ability to
// read, write, delete and rename files and folders.
type FS interface {
// Local is the interface for a local filesystem
type Local interface {
// Remote is the interface for a remote filesystem
type Remote interface {
// TestFS is an interface that is only interesting for testing.
// It includes all interfaces and extension.
type TestFS interface {