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  • Gökhan Karabulut's avatar
    Release 0.1.13 · 31a34e10
    Gökhan Karabulut authored
    - Qt Libraries for msvc2013 32-bit
    - freeglut for msvc2013
    - glew for msvc2013
    - More Eclipse plugins
    - Notepad++
    - Imagemagick
    - Utility scripts to switch between mingw and msvc
    - Downgrade Qt to 5.8
    - Upgrade other items
    - Switch to use OpenJDK instead of JRE
    - Move ninja to its own folder during extraction
    - Improve provisioning
    - Add Imagemagick
    - Python modules rasterio and GDAL for raster operations and
      Pillow and matplotlib for image and plotting ...
    - Upgrade eclipse plugins and remove groovy eclipse plugin.
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