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  • Pedro Alves's avatar
    internal_error: remove need to pass __FILE__/__LINE__ · f34652de
    Pedro Alves authored
    Currently, every internal_error call must be passed __FILE__/__LINE__
    explicitly, like:
      internal_error (__FILE__, __LINE__, "foo %d", var);
    The need to pass in explicit __FILE__/__LINE__ is there probably
    because the function predates widespread and portable variadic macros
    availability.  We can use variadic macros nowadays, and in fact, we
    already use them in several places, including the related
    So this patch renames the internal_error function to something else,
    and then reimplements internal_error as a variadic macro that expands
    __FILE__/__LINE__ itself.
    The result is that we now should call internal_error like so:
      internal_error ("foo %d", var);
    Likewise for internal_warning.
    The patch adjusts all calls sites.  99% of the adjustments were done
    with a perl/sed script.
    The non-mechanical changes are in gdbsupport/errors.h,
    gdbsupport/gdb_assert.h, and gdb/
    Approved-By: default avatarSimon Marchi <>
    Change-Id: Ia6f372c11550ca876829e8fd85048f4502bdcf06