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  • Tom de Vries's avatar
    [gdb/symtab] Fix bad compile unit index complaint · 2fe9a3c4
    Tom de Vries authored
    I noticed this code in dw2_debug_names_iterator::next:
            case DW_IDX_compile_unit:
              /* Don't crash on bad data.  */
              if (ull >= per_bfd->all_comp_units.size ())
                  complaint (_(".debug_names entry has bad CU index %s"
                               " [in module %s]"),
                             pulongest (ull),
                             objfile_name (objfile));
              per_cu = per_bfd->get_cu (ull);
    This code used to DTRT, before we started keeping both CUs and TUs in
    Fix by using "per_bfd->all_comp_units.size () - per_bfd->tu_stats.nr_tus"
    It's hard to produce a test-case for this, but let's try at least to trigger
    the complaint somehow.  We start out by creating an exec with .debug_types and
    $ gcc -g ~/hello.c -fdebug-types-section
    $ gdb-add-index -dwarf-5 a.out
    and verify that we don't see any complaints:
    $ gdb -q -batch -iex "set complaints 100" ./a.out
    We look at the CU and TU table using readelf -w and conclude that we have
    nr_cus == 6 and nr_tus == 1.
    Now override ull in dw2_debug_names_iterator::next for the DW_IDX_compile_unit
    case to 6, and we have:
    $ gdb -q -batch -iex "set complaints 100" ./a.out
    During symbol reading: .debug_names entry has bad CU index 6 [in module a.out]
    After this, it still crashes because this code in
      /* Skip if already read in.  */
      if (m_per_objfile->symtab_set_p (per_cu))
        goto again;
    is called with per_cu == nullptr.
    Fix this by skipping the entry if per_cu == nullptr.
    Now revert the fix and observe that the complaint disappears, so we've
    confirmed that the fix is required.
    A somewhat similar issue for .gdb_index in dw2_symtab_iter_next has been filed
    as PR29367.
    Tested on x86_64-linux, with native and target board cc-with-debug-names.