fuzz: add fuzzers for asn1_get_length_b/der
All threads resolved!
All threads resolved!
Add a description of the new feature/bug fix. Reference any relevant bugs.
Code modified for feature -
Test suite updated with functionality tests -
Test suite updated with negative tests -
Documentation updated
Reviewer's checklist:
There is a test suite reasonably covering new functionality or modifications -
Function naming, parameters, return values, types, etc., are consistent with other code -
This feature/change has adequate documentation added -
No obvious mistakes in the code
Merge request reports
- Resolved by Dmitry Baryshkov
added 15 commits
496014ab...5305fd89 - 14 commits from branch
- a88017f5 - fuzz: add fuzzers for asn1_get_length_b/der
496014ab...5305fd89 - 14 commits from branch
enabled an automatic merge when the pipeline for 889a2623 succeeds
mentioned in commit 674799ee
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