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  • Daiki Ueno's avatar
    _gnutls_pkcs11_verify_crt_status: check validity against system cert · 299bd4f1
    Daiki Ueno authored
    To verify a certificate chain, this function replaces known
    certificates with the ones in the system trust store if possible.
    However, if it is found, the function checks the validity of the
    original certificate rather than the certificate found in the trust
    store.  That reveals a problem in a scenario that (1) a certificate is
    signed by multiple issuers and (2) one of the issuers' certificate has
    expired and included in the input chain.
    This patch makes it a little robuster by actually retrieving the
    certificate from the trust store and perform check against it.
    Signed-off-by: Daiki Ueno's avatarDaiki Ueno <>