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Rohan Khairnar requested to merge rohankhairnar/gkcore:budget into devel

closes #433 (closed)
This merge is for new module Budget.
The API is written in new file
API is wrote to create,edit,delete,view and report of budget.
For now the budget can be done only for cash budget. For this module budget table is created.
will have 3 types of module.Cash,Expense and sales.But for this merge only cash module is done.
Cash module required cash inflow budget and outflow budget amount.Which will save in to contents field of budget table.
In this all accounts under cash and bank subgroups are considered.
calculatebalance function is use in this api to get calculated balance of accounts which will becomes actual to calculate variance at the time of report.
variance = total of actual Vs budget.

Cash budget calculation:
budget balance = (total opening balance + cash inflow ) - cash outflow
variance(Dr) = cash inflow - total of Dr
variance(Cr) = cash outflow - total of Cr

for more details about cash budget :

Edited by Rohan Khairnar

Merge request reports