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New system generated Unique Quantity Code added in unitofmeasurement table.

Nitesh Laxman Chaughule requested to merge Nitesh_5/gkcore:create_new_uqc into devel
  1. New fields 'description' and 'sysunit' are added in unitofmeasurement table, for system generated units sysunit is 1 and for user created units sysunit is 0.

  2. In, '84' system generated unit of measurement are created under unitofmeasurement table when install gnukhata.

  3. In gkUpgrade function, there is list of uqc if any uqc is already in database then updated its 'description' and 'sysunit' otherwise added new unit in unitofmeasurement table for old users.

  4. 'getUnitOfMeasurement' also returns 'description' and 'sysunit' of requested unit.

  5. 'getAllunitofmeasurements' also returns 'sysunit' of all units.

closes #390 (closed)

Edited by Nitesh Laxman Chaughule

Merge request reports