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sentry cli event with data and possible fix; test is failing though

Brendan Berkley requested to merge sentry-cli into master

I added required=False to level in the serializer. Killed the error, but this is the event JSON output:

    "sdk": {
        "name": "sentry-cli",
        "version": "1.55.1"
    "type": "default",
    "title": "hello there localhost!",
    "culprit": "",
    "modules": null,
    "request": null,
    "contexts": null,
    "metadata": {
        "title": "hello there localhost!"
    "platform": "native",
    "exception": null,
    "event_id": "0ea4a68c26144f888c1e4c6ccc342a97",
    "project": 19,
    "tags": [],
    "datetime": "2020-08-07T18:00:37.690105Z"

Very different than what's output in event_store/test_data/oss_sentry_events/sentry_cli_send_event_no_level.json. That's bad, right?

Edited by Brendan Berkley

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