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Fix old ORG_CHANNEL rooms with no `groupId` not importing

Eric Eastwood requested to merge 2609-fix-old-org-channels-not-importing into develop

Fix old ORG_CHANNEL rooms with no groupId not importing. These should have been picked way back when we migrated to groupId so we would never run into a room like this but I guess it was never caught. Let's just deal with it.

Follow-up to !2313 (merged)

Part of #2609 (closed)

The import script was running into the following error:

$ matrix__bridge__applicationServicePort=9001 NODE_ENV=prod ./scripts/utils/gitter-to-matrix-historical-import-one-room.js --uri foo/bar
17 Jan 08:33:48 - opening socket: ws://
2023-01-17T08:33:49.898Z - info: Setting up Matrix bridge
2023-01-17T08:33:49.915Z - info: Matrix bridge listening on port 9001
2023-01-17T08:33:49.915Z - info: Ensuring profile info is up-to-date for the Matrix bridge user
2023-01-17T08:33:50.011Z - info: Starting import script for foo/bar (57580f83c2f0db084a1cca60) --> matrixHistoricalRoomId=! (live matrixRoomId=!
MatrixHttpClient (REQ-1) { errcode: 'M_USER_IN_USE', error: 'User ID already taken.' }
2023-01-17T08:33:50.245Z - error: Error occurred while backfilling events for opts.uri=foo/bar gitterRoomId=57580f83c2f0db084a1cca60: AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: groupId=undefined unexpectedly does not exist for gitterRoomId=57580f83c2f0db084a1cca60
    at MatrixUtils.ensureCorrectRoomState (./modules/matrix-bridge/lib/matrix-utils.js:367:5)
    at async MatrixUtils.ensureCorrectHistoricalMatrixRoomStateAfterImport (./modules/matrix-bridge/lib/matrix-utils.js:536:7)
    at async gitterToMatrixHistoricalImport (./modules/matrix-bridge/lib/gitter-to-matrix-historical-import.js:616:3)
    at async exec (./scripts/utils/gitter-to-matrix-historical-import-one-room.js:50:3)
2023-01-17T08:33:50.246Z - warn: Waiting for this ongoing message send request to finish and bridged information stored...
redis handler failed during shutdown: TypeError: Cannot read property 'activeMasterClient' of undefined

Testing strategy

$ mongo gitter

> db.troupes.insert({
    "githubType" : "ORG",
    "userCount" : 9,
    "security" : null,
    "githubId" : 5990364,
    "uri" : "gitterhq-legacy-test-org-channel",
    "lcOwner" : "gitterhq-legacy-test-org-channel",
    "lcUri" : "gitterhq-legacy-test-org-channel",
    "__v" : 0,
    "sd" : {
        "type" : "GH_ORG",
        "members" : "GH_ORG_MEMBER",
        "admins" : "GH_ORG_MEMBER",
        "public" : false,
        "linkPath" : "gitterhq",
        "externalId" : 5990364

> db.troupes.insert({
    "githubType" : "ORG_CHANNEL",
    "lcUri" : "gitterhq-legacy-test-org-channel/no-group-id",
    "userCount" : 0,
    "ownerUserId" : null,
    "parentId" : db.troupes.findOne({ lcUri: "gitterhq-legacy-test-org-channel" })._id,
    "security" : "PUBLIC",
    "uri" : "gitterhq-legacy-test-org-channel/no-group-id",
    "lcOwner" : "gitterhq-legacy-test-org-channel",
    "bans" : [ ],
    "oneToOneUsers" : [ ],
    "providers" : [ ],
    "renamedLcUris" : [ ],
    "status" : "ACTIVE",
    "tags" : [ ],
    "sd" : {
        "type" : "GH_ORG",
        "members" : "INVITE",
        "admins" : "GH_ORG_MEMBER",
        "public" : false,
        "linkPath" : "gitterhq",
        "externalId" : 5990364
set DEBUG=gitter:scripts:*,gitter:app:matrix-bridge:gitter-to-matrix-historical-import,gitter:scripts-debug:events-imported&&set matrix__bridge__applicationServicePort=9001&&node ./scripts/utils/gitter-to-matrix-historical-import-one-room.js --uri gitterhq-legacy-test-org-channel/no-group-id
Edited by Eric Eastwood

Merge request reports