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Update `mongodb` sub-dependency in `mongoose` for stable connection (no timeout errors)

Update mongodb sub-dependency in mongoose for hopefully a stable connection (no timeout errors) during the Gitter -> Matrix message import process.

Updating because we're seeing MongoError: connection 10 to mongo-replica-01:27017 timed out errors for things that don't seem to be hitting the timeouts (they happen too fast). And there is smoke from these other people seeing timeout issues when doing heavy parallel loads which was fixed after updating to a later mongodb and using the useMongoClient: true Mongoose option:


Ideally, we could just update mongoose to the latest 4.x but that is blocked by the problems described in !1138 / env!9

Dev notes

Our new mongoose fork:

Install our fork under mongoose so we don't need to change the imports:

npm install mongoose@npm:@gitterhq/mongoose@4.6.8-updated-mongodb

(don't forget to run scripts/filter-package-lock-json-to-update-graceful-fs-for-gulp.js after, see instructions in that utility script)

Previous versions:

New versions:

Latest mongoose@4.13.21 for reference

mongodb@2.2.x docs:


Edited by Eric Eastwood

Merge request reports