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Fallback and send reply message in MMF if we are unable to find the threaded conversation

Eric Eastwood requested to merge 2679-handle-lost-reply-to-message into develop

Fallback and send reply message in MMF if we are unable to find the threaded conversation

Fix #2679 (closed)

  • MMF = main message feed
  • TMF = thread message feed

Testing strategy

  1. In modules/matrix-bridge/lib/matrix-event-handler.js, comment out the const parentId = await findGitterThreadParentIdForMatrixEvent(event); line so that parentId is undefined
  2. From Matrix, reply to a message
  3. On Gitter, notice the message is still bridged but is in the main message feed(MMF) instead of a thread with warning note about us unable to being able to find the bridged message.
Edited by Eric Eastwood

Merge request reports