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Transform Gitter MXID from Matrix into a Gitter mention

Transform Gitter MXID from Matrix into a Gitter mention

Fix #2652 (closed)

Testing strategy

  1. Send a message from Gitter to get the new bridged MXID created
  2. Send a new message from Matrix mentioning that Gitter MXID that was just created
  3. Notice the message in Gitter has the MXID replaced with their Gitter username mention

This one isn't probably easy to test locally if you just have a localhost synapse. But there is a test for this.

  1. Send a new message from Matrix mentioning some MXID that isn't from the Gitter homeserver
  2. Notice the message in Gitter links the MXID with


  • Colons next to usernames is a problem. Address in another MR -> #2654 (closed)
Edited by Eric Eastwood

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