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Add hour pagination to archives

Eric Eastwood requested to merge 2536-archive-pagination into develop

Add hour pagination to archives. Fix

  • If a day in the archive has more than 1,500 messages, we redirect to the hour 00:00 - 01:00 range(http://localhost:5000/community/room/archives/2020/01/15/0-1)
  • When hour ranges are used, there is a hour picker in the sidebar
  • If there are more than 1,500 messages for a given hour, they are not displayed. Previously it was 1,500 per day so this is a huge step up. Rooms with this much activity are probably pretty rare. Seems like it would be bot kinda of activity.
  • This is just dumb hour by hour pagination and can include empty hoursw with no messages. There isn't a nice heatmap of the day.
  • It's still possible to access these hour chunks for archive days below the 1,500 limit but we don't force people to view things that way.


Testing strategy

  1. Have a room with many messages (more than 10)
  2. Adjust the ARCHIVE_MESSAGE_LIMIT in modules/chats/lib/chat-service.js to 10
  3. Visit the room archive for that day, http://localhost:5000/community/room/archives/2020/01/15
  4. Notice how you are redirected to http://localhost:5000/community/room/archives/2020/01/15/0-1
  • If the room has less than the ARCHIVE_MESSAGE_LIMIT for the day, you won't be redirected and can see all the messages on one page like you did before.
  • It's still possible to access these hour chunks for archive days below the limit but we don't force people to view things that way.


Edited by Eric Eastwood

Merge request reports