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Add GL_GROUP support to the permission settings view

Eric Eastwood requested to merge gl_group-permissions-view into develop

Add GL_GROUP support to the permission settings view. Now you will be able to switch away from GitLab based permissions.

Part of

Testing strategy

  1. Insert a new GitLab Gitter group into Mongo
            "name" : "gitlab-org",
            "uri" : "gitlab-org",
            "lcUri" : "gitlab-org",
            "lcHomeUri" : "gitlab-org/home",
            "homeUri" : "gitlab-org/home",
            "sd" : {
                    "externalId" : "9970",
                    "linkPath" : "gitlab-org",
                    "public" : true,
                    "admins" : "GL_GROUP_MAINTAINER",
                    "members" : "PUBLIC",
                    "type" : "GL_GROUP"
  2. Insert a room in that new GitLab group
            "groupId" : db.groups.findOne({ "lcUri" : "gitlab-org", })._id,
            "lcUri" : "gitlab-org/gitter-internal",
            "uri" : "gitlab-org/gitter-internal",
            "sd" : {
                    "externalId" : "1540914",
                    "linkPath" : "gitlab-org/gitter",
                    "public" : false,
                    "admins" : "GL_GROUP_MAINTAINER",
                    "members" : "GL_GROUP_MEMBER",
                    "type" : "GL_GROUP"
  3. Visit gitlab-org/gitter-internal signed in with your GitLab account (ensure the user you sign in with is part of the gitlab-org/gitter GitLab group)
  4. Room settings dropdown -> Permissions
  5. Notice it says Anyone with maintainer access to the gitlab-org/gitter project on GitLab
  6. Switch to another permission type and notice the warning about not being able to switch back at the bottom of the modal
Edited by Eric Eastwood

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