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Resolve "Quote and Report actions on thread messages"

Tomas Vik requested to merge 2247-report into develop

Closes #2247 (closed)


Testing strategy

  1. Select "Report" in a thread message context menu -> see successful report request in DevTools network tab
    1. Reporting user's own messages is not alowed
  2. "Quote"
    1. quoting a message increases the height of the input box
    2. quoting a message when the input box is empty results in quote starting from the beginning of the input <quote>\n\n
    3. quoting a message when there is already a draft in input box appends quote to the draft <draft>\n<quote>\n\n
  3. adding more text to the chat input area expands it, removing all text (draft='') shrinks it.
Edited by Tomas Vik

Merge request reports