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Fix npm install failing on GitHub backbone-events-standalone dependency

Fix npm install failing on GitHub backbone-events-standalone dependency


npm i
npm ERR! code ENOLOCAL
npm ERR! Could not install from "node_modules\halley\backbone-events-standalone@github:suprememoocow\backbone-events-standalone#f9b7ec37495f9ef62ebe563d6fdaec89882da0b0" as it does not contain a package.json file.

For some reason, npm fails with the before syntax below. I don't know what exactly changed since the npm version is the same and our package-lock.json has used that syntax for a while. To find this, I deleted package-lock.json and installed fresh and found out what exactly changed around gitter-realtime-client -> halley -> backbone-events-standalone. Then just made the minimal changes in

  • Before: backbone-events-standalone@github:suprememoocow/backbone-events-standalone#f9b7ec37495f9ef62ebe563d6fdaec89882da0b0
  • After: github:suprememoocow/backbone-events-standalone#f9b7ec37495f9ef62ebe563d6fdaec89882da0b0

Interestingly, the halley dependency is already using the "after" syntax,

Closes #2108 (closed)

Edited by Eric Eastwood

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