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Remove dead security descriptor updater code

Eric Eastwood requested to merge remove-dead-sd-updater into develop

Remove dead security descriptor updater code

This method was introduced in but I didn't see any usage ever in the history 😕. Perhaps it was used in a quick and dirty migration script.

Discovered while investigating where the user renamed a -> b and had a a-group. There is now a supposedly new a account that has the same GitHub ID as the a-group created with the old a account.

I ran through this same situation and didn't see this happen,

I was looking for any code that updated/upserted a groups security descriptor after the fact.

The only other place this seems possibly is when we use upsertGroup in the createGroup method which will just give a 409 conflict when you try to create a group with the same URI.

Edited by Eric Eastwood

Merge request reports