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Funny sentences to keep users amused

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';

@component({ selector: 'spinner', templateUrl: './spinner.component.html', styleUrls: ['./spinner.component.css'] }) export class SpinnerComponent implements OnInit {

sentence: string; sentences = [ 'Waking up your inner Git Mate...', 'Force pushing to master...', 'Slacking off...', 'Waiting for the right moment...', 'Integrating the continuum...', 'Killing orphaned children...', 'Installing node modules...', 'It should be working now...', 'Turning it off and on again...', 'It works on my machine...', 'Turning caffeine into code...', 'Downloading the internet...', 'Come visit at', 'Playing elevator music...', 'Testing your patience...', 'Hang on a second, I know your data is somewhere here...', 'Copying your passwords...', 'Scanning browsing history...', 'Recording IP Address...', 'Generating ads...', 'Counting the stars...', 'Searching for WiFi...', 'Improving your reading skills...', 'Just stalling to simulate activity...', 'Creating the universe...', 'Opening pod bay doors...', 'Commencing infinite loop...', 'Spinning the wheel of fortune...', 'Starting missile launch sequence in 10, 9...', 'Waiting for magic to happen...', ‘Expanding your storage……’ ‘Repairing …….’, ‘Hold your breath …’, ‘Unleashing the amazing……’, ‘Updating your profile….’, ‘Rolling out the best……’, ‘Building up a road to the heaven……’, ‘Travelling through your account……’, ‘Having snacks…..’, ‘Having a cup of tea….’, ‘Busy opening your account…..’, ‘Making an autonomous account for you..’, ‘Praying God…’, ‘Helping you open your account….’, ‘Trying to fix bugs….’, ‘Hacking your database…….’, ‘Waiting for you to calm down….’, ‘Checking your details…..’, ‘Targeting you…….’, ‘Donating some money…. ‘, ‘Planning out for you…… ‘Checking the updates……’, ‘Rolling out a die……’, ‘Testing your patience..’, ‘Have some rest, by the time we are loading…..’, ‘Just a second……’, ‘10…...9…...8…...count on….’, ‘Soon we will meet you…..’, ‘Just setting up your database…..’, ‘Transferring your data……’, ‘Have faith on us and pray’,
'Wiping our drives...', 'Bending the spoon...', 'Clearing my throat...', 'Deciphering your intentions...', 'Hit F0 to continue...', ]

constructor() { this.sentence = this.sentences[ Math.floor(Math.random()*this.sentences.length) ]; }

ngOnInit() { }


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