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chore(deps): update node.js to v20.6.1

Kubitus Bot requested to merge renovate/node-20.x into main

This MR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
node image minor 20.5.1 -> 20.6.1

Release Notes


v20.6.1: 2023-09-08, Version 20.6.1 (Current), @​ruyadorno and @​RafaelGSS

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v20.6.0: 2023-09-04, Version 20.6.0 (Current), @​juanarbol prepared by @​UlisesGascon

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Notable changes
built-in .env file support

Starting from Node.js v20.6.0, Node.js supports .env files for configuring environment variables.

Your configuration file should follow the INI file format, with each line containing a key-value pair for an environment variable. To initialize your Node.js application with predefined configurations, use the following CLI command: node --env-file=config.env index.js.

For example, you can access the following environment variable using process.env.PASSWORD when your application is initialized:


In addition to environment variables, this change allows you to define your NODE_OPTIONS directly in the .env file, eliminating the need to include it in your package.json.

This feature was contributed by Yagiz Nizipli in #​48890.

import.meta.resolve unflagged

In ES modules, import.meta.resolve(specifier) can be used to get an absolute URL string to which specifier resolves, similar to require.resolve in CommonJS. This aligns Node.js with browsers and other server-side runtimes.

This feature was contributed by Guy Bedford in #​49028

New node:module API register for module customization hooks; new initialize hook

There is a new API register available on node:module to specify a file that exports module customization hooks, and pass data to the hooks, and establish communication channels with them. The “define the file with the hooks” part was previously handled by a flag --experimental-loader, but when the hooks moved into a dedicated thread in 20.0.0 there was a need to provide a way to communicate between the main (application) thread and the hooks thread. This can now be done by calling register from the main thread and passing data, including MessageChannel instances.

We encourage users to migrate to an approach that uses --import with register, such as:

node --import ./file-that-calls-register.js ./app.js

Using --import ensures that the customization hooks are registered before any application code runs, even the entry point.

This feature was contributed by Izaak Schroeder in #​48842 and #​48559

Module customization load hook can now support CommonJS

Authors of module customization hooks can how handle both ES module and CommonJS sources in the load hook. This works for CommonJS modules referenced via either import or require, so long as the main entry point of the application is handled by the ES module loader (such as because the entry point is an ES module file, or if the --import flag is passed). This should simplify the customization of the Node.js module loading process, as package authors can customize more of Node.js without relying on deprecated APIs such as require.extensions.

This feature was contributed by Antoine du Hamel in #​47999

Node.js C++ addons now have experimental support for cppgc (Oilpan), a C++ garbage collection library in V8.

Now when Node.js starts up, it makes sure that there is a v8::CppHeap attached to the V8 isolate. This enables users to allocate in the v8::CppHeap using <cppgc/*> headers from V8, which are now also included into the Node.js headers available to addons. Note that since Node.js only bundles the cppgc library coming from V8, the ABI stability of cppgc is currently not guaranteed in semver-minor and -patch updates, but we do not expect the ABI to break often, as it has been stable and battle-tested in Chromium for years. We may consider including cppgc into the ABI stability guarantees when it gets enough adoption internally and externally.

To help addon authors create JavaScript-to-C++ references of which V8's garbage collector can be aware, a helper function node::SetCppgcReference(isolate, js_object, cppgc_object) has been added to node.h. V8 may provide a native alternative in the future, which could then replace this Node.js-specific helper. In the mean time, users can use this API to avoid having to hard-code the layout of JavaScript wrapper objects. An example of how to create garbage-collected C++ objects in the unified heap and wrap it in a JavaScript object can be found in the Node.js addon tests.

The existing node::ObjectWrap helper would continue to work, while cppgc-based object management serves as an alternative with some advantages mentioned in the V8 blog post about Oilpan.

This feature was contributed by Daryl Haresign and Joyee Cheung in #​48660 and #​45704.

Other notable changes


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This MR has been generated by Renovate Bot.

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