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Prioritized labels

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Other labels

  • api:consistency
    Issues relating to api/webhook inconsistencies
  • api:coverage
    Issues related to additional coverage in the GitLab API
  • approvals
    Issues related to the Merge Request approvals feature:
  • Added when automation has detected a SAST violation of GitLab's AppSec team's rules. See
  • appsec-sasthelpful
    Add this label when AppSec's SAST rules were helpful, informative, and/or not unhelpful. See
  • Apply this label if AppSec's SAST rules were unhelpful and/or incorrect. See
  • artifactsaccess
    Issues that are specifically about artifact restriction/limiting access to artifacts
  • artifactsmanagement
    Issues that relate to the management of CI artifacts.
  • artifactsusability
    Issues that affect being able to use artifacts effectively or efficiently.
  • atlassian
    Label to organize all issues related to Atlassian Integration
  • Actions which can permanently affect the state of an instance, group, project or data are key events that we want to maintain a log of, since they generally cannot be undone.
  • Because the data in an instance is very sensitive, we will record logs of actions that are used to copy, mirror, or export that data.
  • Events likely to generate a high volume of data that could affect performance. This type of event could be served in Webhook-based audit events.
  • Tokens such as Personal Access Tokens can give anyone who holds them the permissions the token has. Steps done with these tokens will be logged in case a token falls into inappropriate hands and the changes made with it need to be undone.
  • Users may try to temporarily subvert restrictive settings to avoid a compliance control or policy, which may could pose a problem in an audit.
  • Anything related to escalating roles, for example users may inappropriately elevate their permissions to access other parts of the product
  • If a change is made to something like a template or project label, it could potentially be disruptive to the workflow of the teams using it, so we will log those actions.