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Survey for monitoring feature prioritization



Design survey

  • Draft the survey
  • Create a list of features
  • Transfer the survey questions to Qualtrics @akiripolsky

Pilot survey

Collect responses – Round 1 – Internal

Collect responses – Round 2 – External

  • Open a Recruiting request issue. Assign it to the relevant Research Coordinator @dhershkovitch
  • When the survey is ready, ask Emily in the recruitment issue to send the survey to external participants from FirstLook @akiripolsky
  • Notify Research Coordinator of survey closure. @akiripolsky

Document findings

  • Analyze the data @akiripolsky
  • Document the results @dhershkovitch
  • Document insights in Dovetail
  • Create actionable insight issue
  • Update Metrics direction page
  • Update the Problem validation research issue. Link to findings in Dovetail. Unmark as confidential if applicable. Close issue.
Edited by Andrej Kiripolsky

Merge request reports