VSD - Post-release survey findings
This issue presents a detailed analysis of the Value stream Dashboard post-release online survey.
The survey was published on these pages:
- VSM blogs - gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com!128816 (merged)
- VSM documentation - gitlab!130439 (merged)
- VSM direction page - gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com!128822 (merged)
- CS Newsletter.
Links to the questions analysis:
Q1 - Approximately how many people work at your* company / organization? *If you're working as a consultant, please answer this question in terms of the company you are working for.
Q2 - Which of the following are part of your primary job responsibilities? Select up to 5 which are most important for your role.
Q3 - How frequently have you used the Value Stream functionality in GitLab?
Q4 - On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with the level of insights from the current Value Stream Dashboard, (under Analytics Dashboards section, see image above)?
Q6 - To the best of your knowledge, what is your organization trying to accomplish through measuring and assessing DevOps workstreams? Select all that apply. - Selected Choice
Q7 - Which of the following types of customization do you find helpful in improving your decision-making process? Order from most to least helpful.
Q8 - Which time aggregation do you find most effective for data-driven decision-making in your organization? For example, issues created or deployments per day, per week, per month, etc.
Q9 - Which of the following metrics are most critical for your executive-level decision-making process? Select up to 3. - Selected Choice
Q10 - Which of the following do you find most difficult to get an understanding of today? - Selected Choice
Q11 - What would you like to see next for value stream dashboards?
Q12 - If you would like to participate in follow-up research, please provide us with your name and email below.
Link to the data on qualtrics
The survey is still active.