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Deploy to S3 via CI

Peter Leitzen requested to merge pl-deploy-ci into master

Based on !9 (merged)

This MR adds two CI jobs sync:s3 and destroy:s3 (manual) which deploys and destroys this project to S3.

See the "From CI pipeline" section in the README.

Additionally, this MR introduces caching of node_modules/ to speed-up the pipeline.

Without AWS-specific environment variables

By default, we run tests and build the website:


Note that build:yarn does not wait for the test stage to complete.

With AWS-specific environment variables

With the variables set we deploy to S3:


See for a successful deployment to S3:

$ deploy/s3_setup
make_bucket: pleitzen-status-page-mvc-testing
Setting bucket policy
Website at
$ deploy/s3_sync
upload: dist/css/app.aef7469a.css to s3://pleitzen-status-page-mvc-testing/css/app.aef7469a.css
upload: dist/index.html to s3://pleitzen-status-page-mvc-testing/index.html
upload: dist/favicon.ico to s3://pleitzen-status-page-mvc-testing/favicon.ico
upload: dist/js/app.16c1292f.js to s3://pleitzen-status-page-mvc-testing/js/app.16c1292f.js
upload: dist/js/ to s3://pleitzen-status-page-mvc-testing/js/
upload: dist/mock.json to s3://pleitzen-status-page-mvc-testing/mock.json
upload: dist/js/chunk-vendors.5a5d1c43.js to s3://pleitzen-status-page-mvc-testing/js/chunk-vendors.5a5d1c43.js
upload: dist/js/ to s3://pleitzen-status-page-mvc-testing/js/
Verify via


Edited by Peter Leitzen

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