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SAST MRE corresponding to #434275(python/xml/rule-expatreader)

Vadym Riznyk requested to merge feat/issue-434275/rule-expatreader into main

SAST Vulnerable MRE Addition or Enhancement

Background Information

gitlab-org/gitlab#434275 is aimed towards identifying possible XXE instances due to the usage of xml.sax library.

Changes Summary

This MRE adds a simple python application using the insecure reader and xml exploits for testing vulnerable library


  • the MRE's dependencies are explicit and ideally pinned (e.g. using pipenv in the case of Python)
  • the MRE is dockerised and trivially runnable
  • the MRE's directory in the sast-rules-apps group (e.g. python-web-apps/django/security/injection/sql) and the rule's directory in the sast-rules repository are equivalent ( e.g. python/django/security/injection/sql )
  • the MRE contains a which explains how to:
    • run the application
    • shows the normal execution path without exploitation
    • shows the exploited execution path

Rule Evaluation



semgrep scan -q --config rule-expatreader.yml
│ 10 Code Findings │
    ❯❱ python_xml_rule-expatreader
          The application was found using the `xml.sax.expatreader` package for processing XML.    
          Python's default XML processors suffer from various XML parsing vulnerabilities and care 
          must be taken when handling XML data. Additionally, depending on the version of Python,  
          more critical vulnerabilities such as eXternal XML Entity injection maybe exploitable.   
          The `xml.sax` package suffers from the following security risks as of Python 3.7.1: *    
          Billion laughs / exponential entity expansion - May allow an adversary to cause   a      
          Denial of Service (DoS) against the application parsing arbitrary XML. * Quadratic blowup
          entity expansion - Similar to above, but requires a larger input   to cause the Denial of
          To remediate the above issues, consider using the                                        
          [defusedxml]( library when processing untrusted XML.
          Example parsing an XML document using defusedxml: ``` from defusedxml.ElementTree import 
          # Parse the inventory.xml file et = parse('inventory.xml') # Get the root element root = 
          et.getroot() # Work with the root element # ... ```                                      
          For more information on the various XML parsers and their vulnerabilities please see: -  
          For more information on XML security see OWASP's guide: - https://cheatsheetseries.owasp.
           28┆ parser = xml.sax.make_parser()
           29┆ parser.setFeature(xml.sax.handler.feature_external_ges, True)
           30┆ parser.setContentHandler(handler)
           33┆ parser.parse(inp)
           38┆ parser = xml.sax.make_parser().parse(sys.argv[1])
           49┆ res = xml.sax.parseString(content, handler)
           91┆ parser = xml.sax.expatreader.create_parser()
           92┆ parser.setFeature(xml.sax.handler.feature_external_ges, True)
           93┆ parser.setContentHandler(XMLHandler())
           95┆ parser.parse(sys.argv[1])
Edited by Vadym Riznyk

Merge request reports