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WIP: Initial version of the Container Scanning test project

Victor Zagorodny requested to merge 9244-initial-version into master


Initial version of the test project:

  • uses Container-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml vendored template
  • uses docker-dind to build the Docker image from Dockerfile within the CI pipeline
  • leverages the Docker image caching and the local Container Registry to speed up the build
  • webgoat Docker image is used as the base image


Project content

  • copy the template dir content to the new repository and find/replace the REPLACE_ME placeholders.
  • setup the master branch:
    • create a basic app for given language, package manager and framework with some relevant vulnerabilities
    • configure the compatible Security Products features in the .gitlab-ci.yml (comment out unsupported ones)
    • update the expected reports in qa/expect/
  • create the auto-devops-FREEZE branch from master and removes the .gitlab-ci.yml file.
  • create the QA-MR-FREEZE branch from master
    • add necessary changes to the test app to generate new, fixed and existing vulnerabilities
    • update the expected reports in qa/expect/
    • open a Merge Request against master with the name WIP: QA for all Security Products features
  • add the created project to the QA script at:

Project configuration

To ensure the QA can be automatically triggered and to notify the team when it fails, the project must be configured as follows:

  • sign in with gitlab-bot user and create a Pipeline trigger named QA to obtain a token for automated QA configuration
  • setup the Slack notifications project service:
    • check the active option
    • uncheck all triggers but Pipeline (leave Channel name empty)
    • use the Webhook URL available in the Slack's SP-Bot service configuration page
    • use SP-Bot as the Username
    • check the Notify only broken pipelines option
    • submit the form and check that the test event has been successfully sent to #sp-alert slack channel
Edited by Victor Zagorodny

Merge request reports